Google Wallet loses its luster


Well, that was a fun, but short ride.  Readers today alerted me that Google Wallet has begun to charge its 2.9% fee for credit card payments.  I logged on and verified that they were right.  Google Wallet is still free for sending money from bank accounts, so it may still be handy for transferring money to others, but it’s no longer a point-earning goldmine for those using rewards credit cards.

In case you’re wondering what I’m talking about, please see my prior post “Google challenges PayPal, Amazon Payments, and others with innovative new version of Google Wallet.”

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[…] be the new and improved Amazon Payments (see Frequent Miler’s post on it). But then they suddenly changed it to include a 2.9% fee for all credit card transactions. […]


Waah! I want free shit!

Can I get a penny plz? THANKS!

miss smart

pennny plz ne 1 🙁


levander: yeah, that’s why I haven’t even bothered to write a post about the $250 of free spend. It hardly seems worth it if it is a one time thing.


In the help section for Google Wallet now, it says nothing about the first $250 being free, just that there’s a 2.9% fee for credit card transactions you initiate.

So I called and found out you can still do the $250.

But I was thinking it would be $250 every month. It’s not. It’s just $250 one-time.


ohwell… still got Amazon


Happy I decided to not give google a copy of my drivers liscence for this relatively useless feature.

Jake from MSP

Made one successful payment of 5400$. I’m okay with that


Came here to post that upto 250 is free. But my smarter berthern here have already the fine print. I did trial and error and thought I was something clever. I was sending 500 earlier. Hopefully, they dont lower this or change this.

Stephen M

Not to change the subject but how about Award Wallet! I was trying to get help organizing my credit cards and their bonus miles with Award Wallet and ran up against this: “Unfortunately United Airlines forced us to stop supporting their loyalty programs.” Unfortunately this is true with American Airlines and Delta Airlines also. I have all of these cards so this does not help me at all. Is there another program that does what Award Wallet is attempting to do that covers all cards? Or does someone have a self-made chart or form that I can do myself?

marathon man

I think a few things are possible:
1) Sorry to say it but blogs picked it up and so Google killed it.
2) GW predicted this and just wanted to “spend” a certain ammt of money (in waiving its fees) for a few weeks to get a huge customer base and spread the word. It’s cost was to get us to spread it for them. BUT in the process they also just figured out a way to find and effectively now lock out all us miles schemers in one short period! Since there’s a fee now, we wont play. They WILL, however, waive the fee for anything under $250 for NEW customers.


My accounts were suspended for unusal activities




wants to charge me for any amount