Chase Freedom w/ Chase Pay: 10% Back On Up To $300 At Best Buy


Edit 1: The landing page for this offer is now listing this promotion as 10% back on up to $300, so it appears to have been reduced from $400.

Edit 2: This offer is now available on other Chase cards.

There’s a new Chase Pay promotion out offering 10% back at Best Buy, but there are a couple of important restrictions.

Here’s what you need to know:

Chase Pay Best Buy

The Deal

  • Get 10% cash back when spending up to $400 $300 at Best Buy and paying with Chase Pay.

Key Terms

  • Offer ends February 4, 2018.
  • Valid in-store only.

DoC’s done the legwork and confirmed a few important details with Chase:

  • 10% cashback when paying with Chase Freedom only. i.e. Unlike some of the other recent Chase Pay offers, this offer’s not available for Chase Freedom Unlimited, Chase Sapphire Reserve, Chase Sapphire Preferred or Chase Sapphire cardholders.
  • No enrollment required.
  • Chase Pay is one of this quarter’s 5% categories for the Chase Freedom card. This deal will therefore count towards your $1,500 quarterly allowance. If you’ve already maxed out this quarter’s allowance, you’ll earn 6% (rather than 10%) on up to $400 $300 spent at Best Buy with this new promotion.

Quick Thoughts

Seeing as the $400 $300 in purchases would count towards your Chase Freedom quarterly allowance, it might make sense to max out your allowance before taking advantage of this new Chase Pay / Best Buy promotion. That way you’ll increase your bonused spend capacity on your Chase Freedom card.

h/t Doctor of Credit

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Has anybody bothered to do the math? Don’t waste your time trying to complete the $1500 in mobile payments spend before doing the Chase Pay promo at Best Buy. Incorporate the BB spend into your $1500 quarterly spend for maximum benefit. The math works such that if you do the BB spend AFTER the $1500 quarterly spend, you’re effectively getting only 1x difference on your BB purchase than if you spent it within the $1500 for 10x spend. Long story short, Chase is capping their “bonus” points allocated to mobile payments at a grand total of 7500 points for this quarter. To maximize, purchase $1200 in mobile payments elsewhere (you’ll get 6,000 UR points) and then $300 at Best Buy (3,000 UR points) Total of 9k UR points. If you were to do it AFTER $1500 spend, you’ll get 7,500 UR points on the $1500, then 1,800 UR points for Best By spend (total of 9,300 UR points). Only difference, you spent additional $$ fees at Best buy for a net gain of 1x points (poor decision).

[…] shared a Quick Deal yesterday about a Chase Pay / Best Buy promo which – at the time – was only available for Chase […]


Does the offer for BB work for more than one freedom card?


I only see “up to $300” from the best buy link, where do you see the $400?


Best Buy gift card promotion ended on January 16.

[…] wrote yesterday about the current Chase Pay offer going on at Best Buy where you can get 10% back on up to $400 of […]


FYI, Best Buy also has a promo going for buying some of the 100 gift cards – get 10 BB GC if buy 100 SW, BP, Shell GC. There were a few other ones too. The promo is advertised on the GC rack. So, if you need the promo GCs, could get 10 per 100 of BB GC.


I don’t see any signage. Nor do I see any gas or Southwest gift cards.


Found Shell and Southwest. Bought 2x$50 Southwest in store. Nothing on statement.


Best too?


Are you sure Truffles isn’t a koala?


Why does the article say 6% after maxing out Q1. Either it should be 5% or you need to explain your math.


Base 1% from Freedom for non-category spend.


What if I spend 1900 at bestbuy using chase pay?