eBay Gift Card Sale + Possible 5X (10%) in eBay Bucks


ebay gift card sale

eBay has a number of gift cards on sale today. These cards can be purchased with eBay gift cards and should also earn eBay Bucks and portal cashback. Some members were targeted with 5X eBay Bucks (10%) today as well.

Assuming you have the 5X eBay Bucks offer, then you can get 10% in eBay Bucks and 2% cashback through Splender. Cards sold by PayPal Digital Gifts should also earn 5X Ultimate Rewards if you pay with a Chase Ink credit card.

Here are the cards on sale separated by seller:

SVM Gift Cards

PayPal Digital Gifts

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Any guidelines or suggestions as to what pattern of purchases from eBay will trigger future targeted offers of 4X and 5X eBay Bucks?


You had my hopes up with the BB deal under SVM too!!!


I used to get the bonus offers all the time, but I haven’t gotten them in months now.


I was getting the ebay bucks promos regularly, including the 4x one last week. Now, when I’m ready to jump on it, nothing…. er, not yet.

thanks for the alert to look.