UPDATE: The reversals were an error and have been fixed. Contact Yazing if you haven’t received your credits back.
Over the weekend, Travel With Grant reported that portal Yazing was reversing payouts on GiftCards.com Mastercard gift card purchases from July 14th onward. When they reached out to Yazing, the portal indicated that terms had not changed and they were reaching out to GiftCards.com for clarification. Comments at Doctor of Credit today report a number of other portals clawing back purchases since July 14th as well. While many portals are still listing GiftCards.com, it would be prudent to hold off on new orders until the dust settles if you count on the cash back.
As a reminder, most portals stopped paying out on Visa gift card purchases from GiftCards.com several months ago (See: Cash back ending for Giftcards.com VGCs), though that wasn’t necessarily universal. Mastercard gift cards have still been paying out through most (if not all) portals.
However, again, reports indicate that clawbacks aren’t limited to Yazing on this one, though it doesn’t seem that all portals have issued clawbacks…yet. Hopefully, this is a temporary issue that will get resolved, but if you count on the portal cash to make gift cards worthwhile for you, you’ll want to hold off until this gets resolved.
H/T: Travel With Grant via DoC.

Now, have a bunch of credits but not the correct amount; so strange.
Interesting. My understanding was that this was getting fixed — I intended to publish and update today, but I’ll hold off to gather some data points if that’s your experience. Is it far off? If you contact them, please let me know what you hear. Thanks!
Nick, I had 8 clawbacks; each should have been $25. I have 7 new posts for $20.28. Not sure why one is missing (I filed 8 claims, but made a mistake on 1 so that could be it), or why not $25. (total before shipping was $2500)