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Tag: Perpetual Point Machine

Searching for points and finding a Point Cascade (and a dead PPM)

Lately I’ve been receiving emails from Virgin America telling me that my 1,500 Elevate points are about to expire.  First I had 90 days...

A tale of two #Fails

Frequent Miler leaned over his laboratory workbench to examine the notice more closely.  Could it be true?  Is this real?  He turned quickly to...

Almost Perfect

Last Saturday I teased readers with the post titled “Found! The perfect perpetual point machine.”  I followed up that post with “One card to...

To tell or not to tell

At 5 this morning I received a message from my son saying he was sick.  He had been spending the night at a friend’s...

Found: The Perfect Perpetual Point Machine!

Yes, I believe that a Perfect Perpetual Point Machine has been found!  I need time to write it up, though.  Currently I’m busy at...

Is Staples the Perfect PPM?

A while ago I posted a series about the search for the perfect perpetual point machine (PPM).  In those posts, I asserted that the...

A four step Perpetual Point Machine

In previous posts (such as this one), I defined the Perpetual Point Machine (PPM) as “a scheme in which, after a little push,...

A Two Player PPM

This Perpetual Point Machine is best with two people working together. In previous posts (such as this one), I defined the Perpetual Point...

A slow but viable Perpetual Point Machine

An enterprising reader volunteers a working PPM Wow, I was late writing today's post when an enterprising reader helped me out by writing the post...

The Perfect Perpetual Point Machine, Part Three

In part one of this series, I introduced the idea of the quest for the perfect perpetual point machine. A perpetual point machine (PPM)...

The Perfect Perpetual Point Machine, Part Two

In part one of this series, I introduced the idea of the quest for the perfect perpetual point machine. A perpetual point machine (PPM)...

The Perfect Perpetual Point Machine, Part 1

I began blogging as FrequentMiler with a goal of simplifying free travel. As a newbie to travel hacking I was amazed by the opportunities...

Perpetual Point Machine… Not!

When I was very young I invented a perpetual motion machine (a machine that runs on its own power, forever).  I drew a picture...

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